
701 Iowa Avenue PO Box 114

About Our Member

Kinderhaus is a preschool for 3-6-year-olds. We provide a nurturing and beautiful environment for young children to spend time learning in nature and community with imaginative, cooperative, and natural materials.

Kinderhaus exists for one reason alone, families called for it 11 years ago and have increasingly supported it henceforth. Kinderhaus provides a warm and nurturing environment for young children in our community to learn. Our goal is simple, to create an oasis in which children find the security and opportunity to develop into creative, imaginative, cooperative, self-motivated learners for the future.

Kinderhaus strives to develop the whole child: emotionally, socially, artistically, and cognitively. Our goal is simple: to create an oasis in which children find the security and opportunity to develop into creative, imaginative, cooperative, self-motivated learners for the future.

We’re glad you’re here and hope this site helps you get a feel for our school. Please feel free to send us a note or give us a call with any questions.